
If you want to hire me for a private/personal commission please read through this page to get an overview of my services and current rates.
Before you order, please make sure to have read my Terms of Service. These terms apply to private/personal commissions only. This information is NOT applicable for commercial work, therefore the art can only be used for the client’s personal purposes.
Currency accepted is GPB and can be paid through:
( sending as “Friends and Family” would be appreciated )
You can contact me via -
Instagram - @sethraven4
Twitter - Raven4Seth
Discord - SethRaven4#6541
E-mail - [email protected]

Base Prices :

Icon / Headshot :

Uncolored Sketch: £5
Uncolored Linework: £8
Flat Color: £14
Shaded: £18

Bust (Shoulders Up) :

Uncolored Sketch: £8
Uncolored Linework: £12
Flat Color: £16
Shaded: £20

Halfbody :

Uncolored Sketch: £10
Uncolored Linework: £14
Flat Color: £20
Shaded: £26

Fullbody :

Uncolored Sketch: £14
Uncolored Linework: £18
Flat Color: £28
Shaded: £36

Specialty Items :

Dakis (Body Pillows) :

Uncolored Sketch: £16
Uncolored Linework: £20
Flat Color: £28
Shaded: £35

Reference Sheets : £50


Additional Fees :

Extra Character(s) :

+£5 (Each)

Detailed Background :




Gore/Blood :
